Before the hearing, an OHA staff member will call you to ask you for more information and answer your questions.
At the hearing, you can say why you do not agree with the decision. Most hearings are on the phone. These people will also be there:
- An OHA hearings representative
- A representative from the clinical unit or CCO that made the decision
- Your representative or helper (if you have one)
- An administrative law judge
- Any witnesses you invite
After the hearing, the judge will review the information from the hearing and make a decision. You will get a “Proposed and Final Order” (the judge’s decision) within 30 days. Hearings follow the Administrative Procedures Act, Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) Chapter 183, and Oregon Administrative Rules 137-003-0501 to 0700, 410-120-1860, 410-141-3900.
If you have a hearing and the service is still denied, you can choose to pay for the denied service yourself. Ask your provider about this. You and your provider must then sign an “Agreement to Pay” to show that you understand you must pay for the non-covered service.